News & Events
Thank you to The Friends!
Throughout the year, The Friends have been spending their hard earned cash on the children and staff. Every time an interactive whiteboard reaches the end of its life, The Friends will purchase a new one – that’s five new boards this year. In addition, they have spent £1,000s on new books for the classroom reading corners. We are working hard to ensure we are buying books which reflect our rich cultural diversity. In addition, The Friends bought £1,000s of RWI books which are used by all the infant children for their English lessons. The Friends also purchase all the educational site licenses that teachers use for their planning. When the Reception class’ shed roof needed repairing or the infant playground equipment broke, The Friends were there to pay for the fixing! But there’s always some pennies left for special treats like the Christmas Panto or a visit from a celebrity like MCGrammar!! A big thank you to The Friends Committee and the large team of parents who support them!